Halo Reach Beta Day 1

All I have to say is: WIN.

First game of the night: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/GameStats.aspx?gameid=788692&player=EmprAnimalistic

+13 in my first match of reach I can deal with that. :). The rest of the night I ended up averaging out as I tried to get the feel for each weapon. I am about to start up the game for the night but before I do I wanted to note 2 things.
1. We are thinking of doing a ustream of the beta for a day, or two, or several. Let’s see if there is interest 🙂
2. Watch out for this elite he looks angry:

Charging my laserEnjoy and may the bullets fly true in all of your Beta madness!

~S.P.O. Spartan-104

A Quick update for this weekend!

Two Things

1: Off to a tourney tonight @ Wentworth Institute of Technology run by C.V.G.C. (The Competitive Video Gaming Club) 🙂 Wish me luck!

2: Guess what weekend it is?! (No I am not referring to the Reach beta. Something a bit more important;) )


I FUCKING LOVE GRIFBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big News Week: Reach, Bungie,Activision, Did I say Reach?

News item 1:

 Halo Reach Beta starts next monday, but the Friends and Family Beta Starts THIS WEEKEND, if you haven’t noticed from the insane amoutn of twitter traffic.

News Item 2:

Bungie and Activision enter into potentially Faustian Deal.  The Deal links the two for the next ten years, while this isn’t necessarily good/bad news, it is … interesting. We all know Halo is owned by Microsoft. That is not an issue. What is an issue are the shenanigans that happened with Infinity ward. Here’s hoping that Activision doesn’t use their sole bungie publisher power for evil. NOTE: Helping Bungie towards world domination does not constitute as evil.  Gamepro has an article showing some reactions to this news: http://www.gamepro.com/article/news/215016/tell-us-how-you-really-feel-activision-bungie/ (featuring a tweet from yours truly:) )

News Item 3:


News Item 4:

 Lastly I want to leave you with some people I am jealous of and must say are going in my book as micro heroes: http://gizmodo.com/5526334/halo-2-superfans-refuse-to-let-the-dream-die
Anyone who can keep Halo 2 online for that long with an original XBOX deserves Credit. I SALUTE YOU!


Post Halo 2, Pre Halo Reach, present Halo 3

This is a multiupdate frankly because I enjoyed the headline for it :P.

Halo 2 it was sad to see you go, but it was pure epic to see some people hold out for days due to maintaining connection to Bungie’s servers. You showed them you would not give up so easily. They said shut it down and you (to paraphrase the arbiter) responded with “Were it so easy…”. I was able to fit in a solid 9 hours and end at about 4 E.S.T., and only a 20 minute break. 🙂 One downside:  X != reload especially not in Halo 3 Team swat while staring down the barrel of a BR

Halo Reach: I’m not sure if I could be more excited about Halo Reach. The new game types seem AWESOME (invasion 🙂 ). The armor enhancements intriguing, and special editions DO WANT. 😀

Halo 3: What else is there to say. No speculations since it is the current, no breaking news since it seems to be staying for a while. So what else can I say other than…..



Have fun hiding from the living dead this Double exp 🙂

~S.P.O. Spartan-104

Halo 2, It will be sad to see you go

We are close to saying good bye to one of our closest friends, Halo 2. Thankfully There will be a blowout! (link: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=41080008 ) Will you be there to say good bye to one of our favorite games? Will you be there to share with all of the community in the last Hurrah?!

I will see you there (shoot me an invite or a friend Request if you like just mention this site so I know why you are adding me:) )

GT: EmprAnimalistic


Grabbed from a fellow fan

Exactly how I remember it 😛

We had some good times in such a great place
fighting for all of humanity through the depths of space.
We met with Friends, We met with foes
We fought on Live toes to toes.

Good bye Halo2 on Live you will be missed. Here’s hoping someone sets up a way to continue the halo 2 online fight another way:)

Now who wants to get some Halo2 Lan going soon? 😉

Image grabbed from a fellow fan’s post: http://elderstv.wordpress.com/2010/03/14/say-good-bye-to-halo-2/

It is that time again!

I will be on a lot this weekend Let’s GO!
GT: EmprAnimalistic
See you on the court!

The (almost)last of my PAX posts

End of Pax East day 2
After what was described in my previous post I attended the event Adam Sessler and Hal Halpin talking games. This panel mainly consisted of discussions surrounding the industry, DMCA, piracy, and the ECA (Entertainment Consumers Association) Overall extremely interesting, and it was nice to see a non X play side of Sessler.

After all this I wandered around and stumbled across something awesome 16 player random map/game of Halo :), and I must say the enforcer in charge picked some great games one of the greats was NinjaBall with Hammers and Bruteshots. While playing I even ran into some old buddies to join me. My handle on the first box I was on was bacon therefore instead of death from above the battlecry was ITSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS BACONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Very amusing:P

Day 3:

10:00 AM: Alien ware event. Beat their new portal level, receive(virtual) cake! and enter into a competiton. WIN!
10:30->11:30 Wander Expo receive autographs from all of Rooster Teeth:) (and a picture!)
11:30: Food
12:00-> Wait for XPLAY!
1:00 Have a blast at XPLAY then Autographs:)
I must say The entire xplay crew is even cooler in person. I could see Sessler being an awesome person to hang out with,as well as Blair. Of course Morgan is quite attractive in person.
Next up head and wait for closing ceremony.
OMEGATHON!: I have one thing to say. Team 2 sucked at mario, and contra.
The rest of closing was about 5 minutes!
Next for PHOTOS!!! Then more about the disappearing Elephant


Elephant Vortexing (Cold Fusion pt 2)

Currently I am at PAX so I am going to make this a quick update and allow the video to speak for itself. Cold Fusion pt 3 will explain a bit more of this hilarity. Enjoy the video 🙂
~SPOSpartan-104 / Professor Fred

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Cold Fusion. In Halo?

A friend of mine (Professor G-Wave) and I were messing around with Halo Physics when he showed me something awesome. A way to build a cold fusion reactor with in halo. Once this chain reaction begins and stabilizes it is nearly unstoppable. A tank cannot stop it, it however can stop the tank.

I spent the next few weeks perfecting the reaction and then decided the unthinkable.

And people said Elephants were indestructible. (Video will be on later tonight or tomorrow morning.)

Houdini’s Got nothing on me

GT: Empranimalistic

In the interest of full disclosure: We did this about a year ago:P

Remember, Remember, the 9th of November

Remember Remember the 9th of November
The Covenant Treason and Plot
I know of no reason why the Covenant treason
Should ever be Forgot
But what of the man?

I know his name was John, Spartan-117
He was the Master Chief
And in 2552
He would show all the covenant
What this Demon could do
While he speckled that ring
with purple and blue

The ring was a wreck,
The armada destroyed.
Leaving a spark of guilt,
Extremely annoyed

He took his Blue lady and away they flew
Many months before Gravemind
Claimed that he knew, he KNEW!

But in the end, the war was won
with lost daughters
And many a lost son
but one who was not lost
but simply adrift
with a partner who spoke
with a tone as soft as a kiss

They floated on by that large blue disc
While we all wondered WTF IS THIS

I hope you all have a Happy, Frag Filled, Halo Day

Sincerely Everyone’s Second Favorite Spartan,
~SPOSpartan104 – Fred

© SPOSpartan104 :P