Fragging Aliens for Charity

Fellow Spartans,
I interrupt the (ir)regularly scheduled shenanigans to invite you to help me with a charitable cause. I have signed up for Extra Life.
Here’s a quote from their site ( ).

Welcome to Extra Life, an annual 24-hour video game marathon that raises money to help heal sick kids at your local children’s hospital. It’s never been this much fun to do this much good.
This year’s event begins at 8:00am in your local time zone on October 16th, 2010. Each of our participants is currently raising money by recruiting at least 4 sponsors to give $1.00 for each hour of the marathon (that’s $24.00 per sponsor).
I have signed up for a lofty goal of $1,170.00 for Boston’s Children Hospital :). A few friends will be joining myself and we will be marathon Halo for 24 hours. The current plan is a rush through on coop Normal through Halo Reach -> Halo 1 -> Halo 2 -> Halo 3. Reach and 3 will be 4 player coop and 1,2 will be 2 sets of 2 player coop. Our team will webcast the event and any ensuing shenanigans because I am sure Halo 3 will be a BSAngel surprise (Read as: team killing heaven) due to the exhaustion and caffeine taking over :P. I hope you will take your time, and open your wallets 😉 to a good cause.

Donate here: Donate To Fred


If you want to see how the team is doing check this page and feel free to donate to the others! 🙂

Fred  – SPOSpartan104
Goal: 1170.00

Pat   – FurySamurai72
Goal:  200.00

Steve – Zeux
Goal:  500.00

Thanks for your time,

The Saga continues…

I give you the continuation of the mustafa saga:

Will the diamonds ever be found? I do not know, for they have found my weakness …. they released a new Halo game 😛

That is all for now

Diamonds post will be delayed….Due to REACH

It is out. I am home. Time to play:P Enjoy some of my pictures from tonight!

(Also I was interviewed for WayPoint I’ll let you know if I make it into a video:) 🙂 )
Why yes i do want to play #haloreach:) minutes ago via Twitpic

  1. The line for #haloreach Boston :D 1 hour ago via Twitpic
  2. @bsangel you should look for the videos of the boston release Im wearing my Sgt Sticky shirt 😛about 2 hours ago via mobile web
  3. may get interviewed for waypoint:) #halloreachabout 2 hours ago via mobile web
  4. Sgt Sticky reporting in from gamestop #haloreach line accessedabout 3 hours ago via mobile web


REACH. It’s almost here

Reach is upon us!

The day we have all waited so patiently for.

I know it has been a while since my last update, I was being followed *shifty eyes*.

My next post was supposed to be me revealing the diamonds I found in my xbox. After the video was made shady characters began following me smelling a lot like manly people who bathe in Old Spice… Therefore I have been reluctant to post it. It will be made public tonight while they are distracted with the Launch of REACH.

Speaking of which!

Join me later for an unboxing and the my revelation upon opening my Box of X. As well as the video of my diamond search!

Stay Tuned Spartans,