PAX East day 1

My update from the first day of PAX. I will Post about days 2 on day 3 and day 3 after it’s over:P

This is SPOSpartan-104 reporting from the first PAX EAST, and So far this seems to be
running efficiently and quite well and according to those that usually come here for Anime Boston and I must agree. Kudos to Gabe and Tycho for pulling what looks to be the best run entertainment con in Boston.
The events I hit were: Keynote (WIL WHEATON!), Organizing a Child’s play fund raiser (GO SEG!), and A LAMP Screening (a documentary of text adventures) I GOT STEVE MERETZKY’s AUTOGRAPH!!! ( If you don’t know who that is he is one of the forefather’s of the gaming industry. ) I would have attended more but frankly the lines were a bit much and this was my first con. I was not quite prepared for the 3hr waits.

By far the highlight of the day was the keynote speech by Wil Wheaton of which I took some notes from the first half hour:

To all those pandering pedantic politicians who talk about how indifferent, antisocial, and dangerous we are, We have grown so much that an annual gathering in just one city is not big enough to hold us.

I was going to start this speech with “I’m Wil Wheaton and Jack Thompson can suck my balls wicked hahd” and while it’s a moderately funny thing to say nobody gives a shit about Jack Thompson. Jack Thompson has been disbarred and he is as relevant as Jack Chick(ask your parents). Him and people like him were wrong about everything they thought about us. When someone yells at me and tells us how horrible we are I don’t feel stabby anymore and I can say “We disagree”. All 50000 of us who came to Boston, in March, in the snow to play games TOGETHER!

From a generation who wrote systems so ourr children wouldnt have to.
The next 72 hours this is our time

” This was a keynote full of win.

It was great to see some friends of mine doing their talks. Great Job Seg (@theSeg) on the Child’s play panel and Jason Scott (  “GET LAMP” was awesome, and I cannot wait to buy it when it’s finished.

On another fun note of the day: Even New England wanted to make PAX interesting so just as New England does it went from being 60 on Thursday to snowing today(friday)! Oh New England You show those out of towners how we roll.

Before I end this post one last thing about the keynote that I would like to share with you, and if anyone posts it online I highly recommend watching it: Wil Wheaton finished off the keynote with a series of gaming references to show the range of gamers at this con. My Personal favorite was the first one “It is very dark” (You are likely to be eaten by a grue.)

Today was a great day and as I am sure you can tell so much has gone on that I can’t keep my thoughts straight. Thank You PAX!


“Wil Wheaton When he rides a bike, he makes the pedals go.”

Elephant Vortexing (Cold Fusion pt 2)

Currently I am at PAX so I am going to make this a quick update and allow the video to speak for itself. Cold Fusion pt 3 will explain a bit more of this hilarity. Enjoy the video 🙂
~SPOSpartan-104 / Professor Fred

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Cold Fusion. In Halo?

A friend of mine (Professor G-Wave) and I were messing around with Halo Physics when he showed me something awesome. A way to build a cold fusion reactor with in halo. Once this chain reaction begins and stabilizes it is nearly unstoppable. A tank cannot stop it, it however can stop the tank.

I spent the next few weeks perfecting the reaction and then decided the unthinkable.

And people said Elephants were indestructible. (Video will be on later tonight or tomorrow morning.)

Houdini’s Got nothing on me

GT: Empranimalistic

In the interest of full disclosure: We did this about a year ago:P

The Sanctum is calling

Welcome to The Spartan’s Sanctum.
This is a place for all Spartan’s* to relax,train, and above all enjoy themselves.

A place to discuss the finer things in life: The tink of a grenade, the hammering of the Grif, and of course the translucent women with their voices forever in our heads.

This is a place I have been wanting to make for quite sometime. I finally had time to begin work on it and I hope whoever you are will enjoy this place I have set up (with some help of course).
Thank you,

*If you are reading this it most likely means you

Remember, Remember, the 9th of November

Remember Remember the 9th of November
The Covenant Treason and Plot
I know of no reason why the Covenant treason
Should ever be Forgot
But what of the man?

I know his name was John, Spartan-117
He was the Master Chief
And in 2552
He would show all the covenant
What this Demon could do
While he speckled that ring
with purple and blue

The ring was a wreck,
The armada destroyed.
Leaving a spark of guilt,
Extremely annoyed

He took his Blue lady and away they flew
Many months before Gravemind
Claimed that he knew, he KNEW!

But in the end, the war was won
with lost daughters
And many a lost son
but one who was not lost
but simply adrift
with a partner who spoke
with a tone as soft as a kiss

They floated on by that large blue disc
While we all wondered WTF IS THIS

I hope you all have a Happy, Frag Filled, Halo Day

Sincerely Everyone’s Second Favorite Spartan,
~SPOSpartan104 – Fred

© SPOSpartan104 :P